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Four Key Questions to Consider About Cosmetology School

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  • Posted February 10, 2015
  • Author Evans Hairstyling College
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Do you have excitement and enthusiasm for hairstyling, make-up and more? If so, cosmetology school might be the way to turn your passion into a career. When you start to consider your opportunities and meet with counselors and officials from each asking specific questions can give you valuable insights into every program.

What Should I Know Before Applying?

 Of course, there are numerous factors that you will want to take into account before you apply to any cosmetology school. When applying to beauty school in Idaho, you will want to ask these four key questions:

  1. Is the School Accredited? – Accreditation is vital when looking into cosmetology school. The education and licenses you receive are only considered valid if the institution administering them has the proper credentials. The standard criteria your school must adhere to is prescribed by the Department of Education.
  2. What Type of Training Can Be Expected? – It shouldn’t surprise you to learn that many cosmetology schools offer different training programs and courses. Therefore, asking this question can provide you with a more thorough understanding about whether or not that school and program will give you the hands-on, real-life experience in the area of cosmetology that you wish to focus on.
  3. Are There Different Career Paths Available? –Knowing the available career paths offered at a particular school is an important piece of the puzzle. A diverse course offering is essential at any cosmetology school, especially when committing to just one.
  4. Is Job Placement Available? –While most schools aim to find employment for all of their graduates, not every cosmetology school has this ability. Job placement is extremely important to ensure a prosperous future. And graduating from a reputable school will definitely put you ahead of the game with a higher ROI.

Find the Beauty School in Idaho That Meets the Above Criteria and More

 If you are seeking a cosmetology school that is accredited, offers hands-on training, a variety of courses to choose from, and extensive job placement capabilities, Evans Hairstyling College in Rexburg is the choice for you. As a top beauty school in Idaho, we will provide you with the professionalism and expertise that is needed to begin a successful career as a cosmetologist.

For more information about our programs and registration dates please visit  or contact us at 208.359.8141.